CUMC Blogpost May 2, 2020

Worship News. If you can reach this Blog, you can join us in Worship this Sunday, May 3, 2020. The You Tube link will be up by 8:00 am, and don’t forget to download the Worship Guide. You can worship, but maybe you could call some church family friends and schedule a time to log on and worship together electronically?

And if you missed any earlier services, they’re still available via the CUMC website.

Overview. Welcome to the May 2, 2020 CUMC Spring Garden Blogpost! The campus remains closed, so, again, no recent imagery.

Current Status of the Trees. We have learned that all trees were planted and staked recently by our landscaper with assistance from Jennifer Graybill, Angie Carey, and Keyana Green, all of our custodial staff. Assisting them were Pastor Mira and Mike Landis, of the Building Committee. Mike, along with Doc and Kelly Loudon, have taken on the task of regularly watering the trees.

Please thank these persons in whatever way is appropriate during the six-foot rule. (I sincerely hope that’s it’s NOT going to be like the five second rule for any food that falls to the floor.)

Other Important News Regarding Restarting Construction from Kerm Leitner.

From the April 29 Weekly Minute:

With Governor Wolf’s announcement that public and private residential and non-residential construction may resume statewide starting Friday, May 1, Jeff Barnes immediately contacted Jess Kosoff, Arthur Funk and Sons’ project manager.  While she was unable to confirm exactly when our construction will fully resume, minimally the following changes will be going into effect immediately to create and maintain a healthy working atmosphere:

  • There will be no site visits by staff, guests or leaders.
  • All food deliveries will be shutdown.
  • All tours of the site will be prohibited.
  • The Sneak Peak event will be postponed indefinitely.
  • Photography of the site will be stopped until further notice.

When construction was halted on March 20, the building was nine weeks from being completed.  It will take time to plan the startup, enlist and schedule all of the subcontractors, wait on necessary supplies for which there may be delays and deal with last minute problems which arise. Upon restarting construction our contractor will create a new timeline for finishing up our church building.  Leadership Council will provide a new timeline regarding when our last services will be conducted at our present facility and the first services at our new church as possible.
We would ask that you continue to pray for the health and welfare of all of the construction workers and their families.  Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation


Looking Forward: In reading the most recent Leadership Council minutes, it is increasingly likely that the Spring Garden Campus will reopen, probably in a limited capacity, very soon. Funk and company will establish all necessary health protocols for the site and the workers. They will establish the best sequences for work, schedules and recalling subcontractors. In aviation terms, I’d say this restart will need a long runway, and a slow climb for a while.

CUMC’s Care for the Workers. Let’s pray earnestly that we wait patiently for God’s leadership, satisfying ourselves that God really does have our best interests in mind and can balance all the complex variables of this decision-making. Keep praying for a smooth restart and complete protection of all site workers, including delivery folks. Please include the contractors and their subs and suppliers. We are not out of the pandemic forest by a long shot, and we certainly don’t want to take ownership of a facility that is not as virus-free as possible. Trust in God!

Coming Attractions. I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the House of the Lord!” (Ps 122:1)

Again, this week, I ask you to imagine the fully open Spring Garden Campus. Consider a time, not Sunday worship, but when the youth gather, or when you have business in the office, or you are taking a child to Little Lights. Maybe it’s early autumn, and the trees are beginning to turn to their autumn golds and browns. Imagine driving around the cul de sac and down the long sweeping drive to one of the entrances. You might see someone coming your way, and you wave and smile.

Meanwhile, Keep holding one another close in spirit and communication. Pray that God will always keep us as the apple of His eye. And always give God thanks for our church family, and our individual families.

Keep checking the CUMC website and look in on the Blog.


Faith over Fear, Prayer over Panic, Christ over All!


Line of TreesLine of Trees

Boy in woods-1